Category: Gluten free breakfast

Gluten-free kefir pancakes on a plate
Gluten free breakfast

Gluten-free kefir pancakes

Since my kefir cake with frozen berries has become one of my most popular recipes, I thought it would be a good idea to develop a recipe for gluten-free kefir pancakes – specifically, the large ones my mum used to affectionately call the ‘lazy housewife’s pancakes’. As you may know, kefir is a truly valuable […]

Green smoothie bowl with blueberries, strawberries and kiwis close up
Gluten free breakfast

Frozen kale smoothie bowl

This frozen kale smoothie bowl is naturally gluten free and low in sugar, perfect for a healthy summer breakfast. As I have learned to love a good smoothie bowl only recently it has become something that I look forward to. This is one easy smoothie bowl recipes – free from gluten and dairy. I washed […]

healthy breakfast
Gluten free breakfast

Homemade healthy granola

I have been making this homemade granola fresh every morning for as long as I can remember. Preparing it this way, rather than using shop bought granola, I can be sure there are no extra unwanted ingredients in my morning grains. I used to add some agave syrup to my yoghurt to make it sweeter […]

Pancake on a plate with blueberries and lemon
Gluten free breakfast

Crispy thin large pancakes

These crispy thin gluten free large pancakes are not only loved by me but my partner as well who normally eats gluten. Please let me know if there’s anything wrong with this recipe. Use my contact page or email me Please use the hashtag #TheNonGlutenOne if you make this recipe so I can re-share the […]